Life in 10 Introduces Hybrid Publishing Service in RVA

Life in 10 Introduces Hybrid Publishing Service in RVA

Our friend Valley Haggard over at Life in 10 Minutes has just launched a hybrid press. The concept behind a hybrid press is different from an independent or even traditional press. With hybrid, the publisher acts as an assistant to the writer. For a fee, they will perform all the activities that transform your manuscript into a publishable book – but the author retains the rights and royalties. Typical cost for an 80,000 word book is $3,900.

From their website…

“Sales via third party vendors such as bookstores are processed and fulfilled through IngramSprark’s print-on-demand (POD) services. Typically, a book sold through a bookstore or other vendor will net 50% of its sales price (or $7.50 for a $15 book). Average manufacturing costs range from $3 to $5 depending on book size, as well as several other factors. Net profits (net sales price – manufacturing costs) are divided 60% to the author and 40% to Life in 10 Minutes Press. Life in 10 Minutes pays earnings to our authors quarterly. Your project manager will deliver a payment schedule to you during the production process.”

Hybrid publishing is a growing movement in the self-publishing world. It offers the advantages of self-publishing for those without the skill, resources, or time to do the work themselves. And it relieves a lot of the drudgery that is often associated with the business side of self-publishing.

However, just as in traditional or independent publishing, the author is still very much on their own for marketing. Hybrid presses (and L10 Press in particular) will send out notices to their marketing channels. However, it is still up to the author to create a platform for getting the word out and marketing their books.

Also, hybrid publishers, like Haggard’s, are differentiated from “vanity presses.” The vanity press preys upon unsuspecting authors by charging exorbitant fees, keeping author’s rights, delivering paltry royalties, charging high prices for copies of their books, and doing little to no marketing.

I’m very excited by the introduction of L10 Press to Richmond. Haggard has assembled a talented team of professionals to bring local authors to the market. Check them out at Life in 10 Minutes Press.