Great Articles This Week…

Great Articles This Week…

Happy New Year! As 2014 begins, we look into the future with hopes and dreams. Perhaps your hope or dream is that this is the year you will pub­lish your book. Whether this is the first time for that dream or you have dreamed that dream many years and con­tinue to hope that this is the year, you need to know about Book Publishers, what types there are, and how they work BEFORE you pub­lish your book. So let’s talk about what you need to know about book pub­lish­ers and book pub­lish­ing before pub­lish­ing your book.

 Adding Subplots

When I first started con­sid­er­ing writ­ing nov­els, I found the idea of sub­plots daunt­ing. I knew I needed to put them in, but I really had no idea how, why, or in what man­ner sub­plots played a role in novel structure.

Subplots are every­where. We see them in the movies we watch, and they are usu­ally in every novel we read. We may instinc­tively know how they work in story struc­ture. I always thought they were inserted to give some depth to the over­all story, whether movie or novel. And that is one pur­pose for a sub­plot. But writ­ers need to be care­ful not to throw any old sub­plot into a story in the hope that it will just add some inter­est. If you keep in mind that every­thing that goes into your novel must serve the advance­ment and com­pli­ca­tion of the main plot, you will fare well.

The Rules Of Genre Fiction

Genre fic­tion refers to books that are pub­lished widely for pop­u­lar appeal. Publishers tend to place high value on these books, espe­cially when a writer shows a pal­pa­ble enthu­si­asm for his or her par­tic­u­lar genre. Usually, genre books are pub­lished in the smaller, mass-market book size.